Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Geo Brain Stations 

Here are some of the fun ways our Quest kids are learning about the different places around the world. We have truly enjoyed this journey and are not done yet. We love receiving our postcards and mail that help us learn about the U.S.A. and other great places in the world. Thanks to everyone who is helping make this possible for us. 

Kids Around the World is a cool, hands on game that teaches us neat facts, music, and counting from all other countries. 

 Treasure Hunt is an online activity that teaches us how to use longitude and latitude to find the hidden treasure. This is super fun for all ages! 

Atlas Facts allows kids to explore the different states and find facts that they didn't already know. Geography is so amazing!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Postcard Project!!

We have had the most fun receiving all of our fabulous postcards from places all over the world. Our friends are family are AWESOME! Without the help and support of you, we wouldn't know about all of the neat places people live and have visited. We are still receiving postcards daily, and the students get so so excited when new ones come in. We chart each location on our state and world map in the classroom. The students also have several maps of their own that we track and pinpoint on as well. I think we can all say that this unit of study has made us want to travel the world and has opened our eyes to how big this planet really is. So, in the words of Dr. Seuss, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" 

Latitude and Longitude

We have been learning what Latitude and Longitude do for us on a map. Through the process, we have learned a song that has helped us remember their purpose. 

Click on this link to sing along with your child. This is our favorite. Don't forget to ask your child about the motions we put to the song too! :-) 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Oh The Places We Can Go!!!!

We are enjoying learning about all of the different and interesting places that cover our Earth. We have begun our journey through a postcard project that allows our students to learn about different cities, states, countries, and continents that people have visited or live in. As each postcard arrives to our school, we are pinpointing it on the map and tracking the distance from here to there. We are so excited about knowing all about the places on the Earth. Here is a video clip of our Quest class learning and singing about the seven continents.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Rock On!! 

Our 2nd grade Quest classes had a special visit from Mrs. April Fowler, who brought her rock collection and taught us all about Geology. We are kicking off our Geography study by understanding what the different places around the world are made up of. Mrs. April taught us how to distinguish the difference between many different types of sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, and metamorphic rock. We had a great time and learned so much!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Phases of the Moon

During one of our last space missions, we learned about the eight phases that our moon, Luna, goes through. Each student had a specific duty and task for his/her team. They worked together to craft their Oreo cookies to match the particular phase they were given. Upon completing, the students used the moon phase map to place their cookies in the correct order. The kids loved this and had a blast getting to eat the moon afterwards. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Exciting Saturday Gifted Programs

2015-2016 Saturday Gifted Studies Programs

The Saturday Gifted Studies Program at The University of Southern Mississippi is designed to enhance cognitive and affective abilities of gifted students through planned enrichment/acceleration programming.  Emphasis is placed on participation in areas that provide in-depth analysis of specific topics in small-group activities with other gifted youth.

Spring Saturday Gifted Studies - USM Hattiesburg Campus
January 23 - March 5, 2016 (Seven Saturdays), 9 a.m - Noon
For complete descriptions of courses and to apply online, visit www.usm.edu/gifted.

Payment and Forms Deadline November 30,2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Crazy About Constellations 

Our class has really been interested in learning about the constellations of the night sky. After discussing and learning about the most popular ones we can see in our hemisphere, we decided to create our own. This was a fun activity that allowed the students to think outside the box. Each child was given a piece of black construction paper, Q-tip, a bit of white paint, and a yellow crayon. Once the students created their new constellation, they were asked to name it and tell a little about it. They loved this activity and enjoyed seeing and reading about the constellations from their classmates. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Here are some of the great projects our classmates have made to show their knowledge of outer space and elements of our solar system. We have even been able to taste a bit of space through some delicious moon cookies. (We were so excited about the cookies, I forgot to snap a picture before we ate them.) I am so proud of our Quest students. We love showing what we know about things we learn in and out of class! 

Moon Cookies

Monday, September 14, 2015

Mission Space 

Our Quest classes have truly been enjoying our Mission Space Unit. We have been learning and doing many hands on activities that are helping to answer all of the questions that the students have had about space and our solar system. In order to gain even more knowledge, we took a journey to the other planets and our moon through a talking planetary map. This map takes your weight and calculates what you would weigh on the other planets. It also gives us super cool facts about each planet we visit  just by standing on that particular planet. The students favorite part was being able to send a classmate out on a "Space Mission." The mission gave us 90 seconds to find the correct planet for the given fact. Depending on how many you get correct, is what results in your points at the end. The students did a great job and really enjoyed helping one another get to the correct planet in time. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mission Space

Our Mission Space Unit has taken off like a Rocket. 2nd grade Quest students can't get enough about what makes the world turn. We have started off by understanding the way the Sun, Earth, and Moon work together to give us days, nights, weeks, months, and years. We created a model to demonstrate how these components work together. The students have really enjoyed this.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Guessing Jar

Guessing Jar is a favorite among our 2nd grade Quest students. Each week our jar is filled with a different set of items and each child gets to look in and take an educated numerical guess on how many items they feel is in the jar. After everyone has written their guess down and posted it on the wall, we use multiple strategies to calculate the true number. The students really enjoy seeing who comes the closest to the actual number. It's amazing to see them working to sort, categorize and count the items. They have truly impressed me with their awesome teamwork!! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Take Me to the Fair!

2nd Grade Quest made a unique quilt to enter into Poplarville's County Fair that will be held the first week in September. Each student created a quilt piece that he or she felt represented Poplarville well. The quilt came together so nicely and really shows off each child's creativity. Hope to see you at the Fair. School Fair Holiday is Friday, September 4th. 
Brain Training in Progress 

Our Quest class has been training their brain to think outside the box. Each Tuesday students participate in brain stations that allow them to use many of the gifted process skills. Through these stations students work to a higher goal of being able to become their own problem solvers and detectives. The kids really enjoy being able to work on things that train their brain to think a little deeper. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Quest 2nd grade
SY:  2015-2016
Holly Johnson

Credentials: Master’s Degree in Gifted Education from William Carey University and  Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from the William Carey University (K-6). This is my seventh year of teaching.
Parents wanting to know more about the qualifications may contact the Poplarville School District Central Office.

Contact Information: I can be contacted by phone or email. The phone number for the Poplarville Lower Elementary is (601)795-4736. My email address is hjohnson@poplarvilleschools.org.  Email is the best way to contact me. 

Class Description:
Classes meet for 60 minutes each day.  Gifted classes are not designed to practice or increase ability in the regular education curriculum, but to offer skills that can be enhanced in an environment that will allow each individual child to follow his or her own interests and strengths.  The Quest program is a differentiated program that offers a wide variety of learning skills and activities.  Each year provides the students with an array of different concepts and methods.

Class Expectations

Course Schedule
          The students meet each week for a total of 300 minutes.  They will be pulled each day for 60 minutes.  This schedule has been coordinated with that of your child’s regular education teacher.  All gifted students will be closely monitored to ensure that any work missed during their block of time will be made up.

Classroom Rules
          Do not do anything that inhibits your or someone else’s learning.
          Come each day prepared to give your very best.
          The more I do, the less you will do.  Be prepared to work things out for yourself.

Student Responsibilities – Each student will be expected to work and behave in a productive manner.  Discipline problems will not be tolerated.

Special Projects and Events – Possible field trips with notification in advance.

Required Materials / Supplies – This can be found on the regular classroom supply list.

Class Procedures

          Homework – None, unless the student chooses to create special projects at home.

          Quest classes are non-graded.  However, parent letters and report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine-week period.  Students are responsible for any work missed during the time they are pulled from the regular classroom.  I work closely with the regular education teachers to ensure that students do not fall behind.  Parents will be contacted should any problems occur.

1.     Warning / Student Conference
2.     Letter of Concern to Parent
3.     Team/ Student Conference
4.     Parent Call
5.     Office Referral

*Poplarville School district does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religions, national origin, or disability and is in compliance with Title IX of the educational amendment of 1972 and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015