Friday, January 25, 2019

Morse Code

Morse Code 

Students in Quest learned about Samuel F.B. Morse. They learned that Morse was a great inventor that helped to create the telegraph. With the telegraph came Morse code that would later become an international way of communication. Morse's creation would change the world and advance technology. Students were very interested in learning Morse code. They were intrigued that the form of communication is comprised of dashes and dots. While learning about Samuel Morse, we created Morse code bracelets with each students' first name. They absolutely loved this experience and couldn't wait to share them with family and friends. 

Influential Person of the Past - Helen Keller

Helen Keller 
As our Quest classes are beginning to study "Influential People of the Past" we had a guest speaker, Haley Blanchet, come in and tell us about Helen Keller, and teach us sign language. The students learned that life for Helen Keller must have been very difficult because she was left deaf and blind from childhood. They also learned that with perseverance and determination, a person can excel and be successful in life. We want to thank Mrs. Haley for coming to our class to teach us more about this very important person in history. We now know several signs in sign language along with the alphabet.  

Google Earth - Geography

Google Earth Exploration 

Quest students had a blast as they found the latitude and longitude coordinates for various well-known landmarks around the world. This experience was one that students loved so much because they were able to tour the world and see real places as they look today. Students walked the Great Wall of China, saw the peaks of Mt. Everest, toured the perimeters of the Roman Colosseum, looked up at the statue of Liberty and so much more.  As students explored the world around them, they were in awe of the many different places they can travel to one day.